
It's a big honor for me to be part of...

Felipe Anderson, text's publication from 2018-07-15 18:23:06 :
It's a big honor for me to be part of this team! Thanks for the opportunity West Ham United Let's fight together to reach our goals this season! #ThatFelipeFeeling

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A publication from Felipe Anderson

felipeandersonJogador profissional do West Ham
Professional player from West Ham

Previous publications

2018-07-15 :
I am very happy to be here and i cant wait to get it started! Come on you irons ⚒#ThatFelipeFelling
See the video

2018-07-15 :
É difícil dizer adeus a quem você ama. Queria dizer tantas coisas neste momento, mas nem sei por onde começar....
See the video

2018-07-15 :
#GrazieLazio S.S. Lazio
See the video

2018-05-20 :
Que tudo possa dar certo hoje! Forza S.S. Lazio

2018-04-15 :
Obrigado meu Deus por mais um ano de vida! Que tudo possa dar certo nesse dia tão especial! Forza S.S....

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